Small Business Tax Return Checklist
Here is a small business tax return checklist outlining what I would need:
For Single-Member LLC’s:
2. Gross receipts from sales or services.
3. Inventory (if applicable) on hand as of January 1st and December 31st.
4. Total categorized expenses
5. Copy of prior year financials (Balance Sheet and P&L).
6. Copy of prior year tax return (1-3 years).
7. Amounts of estimated tax payments.
8. Vehicle information and use, including vehicle leases.
9. Internal Revenue Service correspondence received during the year.
10. Details of fixed assets and depreciation schedules.
11. Office-in-Home detail (sq. footage of room and entire house, as well as relevant expenses).
For Partnerships/S-Corp:
2. Articles of incorporation, partnership agreements, operating agreements.
3. General business information (Name, address, SSN’s, date ownership acquired, distribution detail)
4. Copy of prior year financials (Balance Sheet and P&L).
5. Copy of prior year tax return (1-3 years).
6. Gross receipts from sales or services.
7. Inventory (if applicable) on hand as of January 1st and December 31st.
8. Total categorized expenses.
9. Copies of all payroll forms and 1099’s for the year.
10. Amounts of estimated tax payments.
11. Vehicle information and use, including vehicle leases. (for business use, not inventory)
12. Info on employee benefit, retirement, health insurance plans, etc.
13. Internal Revenue Service correspondence received ruing the year.
14. Details of fixed assets and depreciation schedules.
15. Office-in-Home detail (sq. footage of room and entire house, as well as relevant expenses)
23 Mar, 2020
23 Mar, 2020
23 Mar, 2020