You can write off qualified medical and dental expenses over 10.0% (As of 2013, there are exceptions for the elderly) of your AGI. For example, if you have an adjusted gross income of $50,000, 10.0% would be $5,000. If you have $6,000 of medical expenses, then you will be able to deduct $1,000.
You qualify as head of household if you’re unmarried and provide a home (over 50% of keeping up the home) for a qualified person. Such as you child. So you will qualify for HOH.
Did you know that when you barter (exchange property or service)? You only must report the fair..
Are teachers able to write off their extra expenses that aren’t reimbursed through school/classroom funds?
If you work somewhere over the summer that is not your home can you claim a per diem write off for every day you are out there? You can claim per diem for lodging (if your employer didn’t pay for it) and meal & Incidental.